Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Indian Church

I had often wondered why even after two thousand years the Church in India has not really grown. In the last census we were a little over 2% of the population. This despite the fact that the Church here was established by two of the original apostles, Thomas in the South and Nathaniel or Bartholomew in the North.
And then in September this year the LORD spoke to me: -
6th Sept 2015- I was in church when I saw this vision: I saw a vast army dressed in dazzling white ('as bright as lightning' like the prophet Daniel put it) Each soldier had a sword at his/her side and a hand on the sword. But the sword was only slightly drawn from its sheath.
Interpretation- The army is the Church in India. In two thousand years, over many generations we have not really unsheathed and used our sword- which is the Word of God. It is now high time, as we are in the final hours of this age to finally draw this sword and use it aggressively to win this nation to the Lord. This can be done first and foremost by memorizing the scriptures and quoting and declaring them over our own lives and over this nation.
Daniel 4:17 mentions the 'decree of the watchers'. When things can get done by the decree of angelic beings how much more can be accomplished by the decrees of believers created in the image of God, redeemed by His blood and adopted into His family to be joint-heirs with our Lord Jesus Christ Himself (Rom 8) Our decrees of course cannot be selfish or soulish for that is a way to destruction but our decrees must be in line with the Word of God and be led and under the control of His Spirit.
So let us unsheathe God's Word and decree the Word and will of our Lord Jesus Christ over our nation.
13th Sept 2015- I woke up at 1 AM with the words 'The Church at Pergamos, the Church at Pergamos" repeating over and over in my head. So I looked up the passage in Revelation 2:12-17 that is the letter of our Lord Jesus to this church.
India also is like Pergamos, 'where Satan has his throne'.
The church in India, like the one at Pergamos has had its martyrs and has endured through persecution but it is also guilty of Nicolaitanism and of Balaam's sin.
'Nicolaitanism' refers to the elite ruling over the 'laity'- commoners. That is to say, generally, the clergy ruling over the congregation. In other words, the spiritual leaders are separate from the spiritual followers in spite of the apostle Peter's admonishment that each Christian is part of a 'Royal Priesthood' or as Martin Luther put it, "Every man his own priest", under the Lordship and High Priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. But where the spiritual leadership does not lord over its congregation we see Nicolaitanism or elistism of a different kind where the rich and powerful in the world rule over or have influence over the others in the body of Christ. In traditional churches sometimes the trustees 'rule over' the priest!
We are also guilty of Balaam's sin, which in one word can be described as 'Compromise'.
Balaam was a prophet who clearly, could hear the voice of the Living God. But while he did not dare to directly disobey God he found ways to please his earthly lord, King Balaak and corrupted the children of Israel by leading them into sin.
Balaam was guilty of hypocrisy, greed and compromise. The Indian church too is guilty of the same sins and must repent, all the while continuing to be faithful through persecution and hardships like the Pergamos Church. Then the LORD will open His Word and reveal hidden secrets to us and give us a new and magnificent name.

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